Ultrasound Technician Salary in San Francisco, CA


How much does an Ultrasound Tech make in San Francisco, CA?

According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average annual salary for ultrasound technicians (diagnostic medical sonographers) in San Francisco, CA is $1,40,910. This is Above the national average of $84,410.

Note: Source of the data is Bureau of Labor Statistics. The total numbers given below for each parameter (such as hourly or annual salaries, jobs employment, etc) are for San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward, CA as a total and not only for San Francisco, CA.

With 920 employed ultrasound technicians in the area, this occupation makes up 0.386 per 1,000 jobs in San Francisco, CA and has a location quotient of 0.7 compared to the national average.

Ultrasound Technician Salary in San Francisco, CA – Overview

  • The average hourly salary for ultrasound techs in San Francisco, CA is $67.75.
  • Ultrasound technologists in the bottom 10% earn $44.7 per hour or $92,970 annually.
  • Those in the bottom 25% earn $58.24 per hour or $1,21,130 per year.
  • The median or average salary is $69.18 per hour or $1,43,900 annually.
  • In the top 25%, San Francisco, CA sonographers make $82.96 per hour or $1,72,560 per year.
  • The highest paid ultrasound technologists in the top 10% earn $86.67 per hour or $1,80,270 annually.

Let’s dive deeper into the wage distribution:

Average Earnings: What Can an Ultrasound Technician Expect in San Francisco, CA?

Wage Distribution: How Do Salaries Vary Among Ultrasound Technicians in San Francisco, CA?

  • Starting Out: If you’re starting as an ultrasound technician, you might find yourself earning around $44.7 per hour or $92,970 per year.
  • Early Career: With a bit more experience, earnings around $58.24 per hour or $1,21,130 per year are common.
  • Most Common: The median wage sits at $69.18 per hour or $1,43,900 per year. This means half of the ultrasound technicians in San Francisco, CA earn more than this, while the other half earns less.
  • Experienced: Those in the top 25% of earners take home around $82.96 per hour or $1,72,560 per year.
  • Top Earners: The highest earners, the top 10%, make about $86.67 per hour or $1,80,270 per year.

How Many Ultrasound Technicians Are There in San Francisco, CA?

In San Francisco, CA, there’s a sizable community of ultrasound technicians. As of latest, 920 of them were employed across the total area of San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward, CA.

Is San Francisco, CA a Good State for Ultrasound Technicians?

The location quotient of 0.7 indicates that San Francisco, CA has a slightly lower concentration of ultrasound technicians than the national average. Moreover, there are approximately 0.386 ultrasound technician jobs per 1,000 total jobs in the San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward, CA.

Overall, Ultrasound techs in San Francisco, CA earn a competitive wage, with a mean hourly wage of $67.75 and a median wage of $69.18 per hour. With the state having a slightly lower concentration of these professionals than the national average, it suggests a healthy demand for their services in the region.

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